Clean Away the Germs

​A year of doing all we can to stay healthy has had everyone doing extra cleaning and sanitizing, as well as being extra vigilant about germs. Our cleaning crew has taken extra precautions to stop the spread of COVID while providing you with cleaning services as allowed by the guidelines set forth by the Governor and Department of Health. While we can’t guarantee cleaning  in terms of keeping COVID out of your home, nor can we do post-illness disinfecting to any industrial standard, all cleaning helps! Whether you’re cleaning your house yourself, our team is, or we’re working together to keep your home in top shape, “Proper deep-cleaning of our homes right now will increase our Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) and is something that every American should do immediately…” according to Grace Reynolds, President of the AHCA, American House Cleaners Association.

With everyone staying home and winter here, most of us are spending the majority of our time indoors. While I’d love to encourage you to find ways to get outside and increase your fresh air intake, the fact is that you’ll be inside your home or work for a lot of hours and doing everything within your control to clean indoor air pollutants is a great idea.

  • What are you bringing in the house? Do you leave shoes at the door? Do you wash hands upon returning home? What about puppy paws? Do you wash/sanitize items coming in? Can you crack a window once in a while on nicer afternoons?
  • When is the last time you changed your furnace filter? Do you change it on a regular basis?
  • Do you use an air purifier? Some believe strongly in naturally disinfecting essential oils in humidifiers. Talk to your HVAC person to see about an infrared air purifier on your furnace/air duct system or other technology to aid in cleaning your air.
  • When is the last time you cleaned your air ducts and dryer vents? Your air is circulating, and you’re breathing what it circulates!

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “proper and regular sanitation of homes at all times, to reduce the number of harmful particles and organic materials which directly impact the quality of air in our homes” is recommended.

If you don’t have time or need help, give us a call. We can help with one-time deep clean or see about getting you on our regular cleaning schedule. 320-583-0409 Here’s to a clean and healthy new year!

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Tidy Tightwads